Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Alleged Decline of the English Language

There was a recent episode of Califonication that I watched on my DVR (terrific series but my DVR missed three episodes) where David Duchovney's character laments about the decline in communication skills of people when the girl he was dating says "LOL" instead of communicating in normal English. Yesterday, somebody suggested that I text them a message and that got me to thinking.

I don't want to sound like a technological Luddite trying to put up a linguistic barricade to the literary Sodom & Gomorrah commonly known as the internet and how emails, IM, and texting are destroying our ability as a species to communicate because I am totally cognizant of the evolution of language. But I am sounding like a technological Luddite. Isn't it nice when somebody actually takes the time out to write out a message in a card, no matter how short, and actually uses complete sentences? Or even an email? To me, that says something to the effect of "You're special enough for me to spend my time and actually tax my brain and use a complete sentence." How about for 2008 let's give the gift of the extra 30 seconds it takes to type out "That's funny!" instead of "LOL"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good one! I often have the same thought about folks. Particularly the younger generations who never learned any different.
