Friday, March 27, 2009


There's a new worm out there set to strike on April 1 called Conficker that's set to strike. Nobody seems to know what it does except that all infected computers will come under the control of a master machine. This is the third variant and expected to be bad. You could get a free online safety scan from Microsoft here.


It is widely expected that Judge Rebecca Beach Smith will rule that salvaged items from the Titanic must stay together and accessable to the public. RMS Titanic Inc., a subsideriary of Premeir Exhibitions Inc., is the current salvor-in-possession but does not "own" the artifacts. It appears that RMST will try to sell the rights to a museum.

This Bud Isn't For You

European Court of First Instance has just ruled that Anheuser-Busch-InBev does not have the rigths to the name Budweiser in the EU, awarding it to Budejovicky Budvar NP. It's not certain how the ruling will affect InBev's marketing of American products in Europe.